There aren´t many people in the field of renewable energies that demonstrate international experience and proven performance in three business segments including wind, solar and biomass for almost 30 years.
We were here yesterday, are today and will be tomorrow and we help to ensure that renewable energy sources, combined with intelligent storage solutions in the future, will account for 100% of our energy supply. And we can put our ideas into practice in conjunction with our partners who support such projects – from greenfield to the operating plant.
Acting as a linchpin, we combine all project phases and thus are a one-stop shop for our customers. This shortens the course of the project, saves bureaucracy and above all, unnecessary costs.
Good Companions.
EFG Energy Farming Management GmbH (Bad Essen, Germany)
- Administration of Wind- and Solarprojects.
EFG Energy Farming Holding GmbH (Bad Essen, Germany)
- Project development and operation of RE power stations.
EFG Energie GmbH (Bad Essen, Germany)
- Development and management of windenergy projects
EFG WindparkManagement GmbH (Bad Essen, Germany)
- Technical and commercial Operation of windenergy projects
EEG Energie-Expertise GmbH (Melle, Osnabrück)
- Project development in Germany.
EEG Service & Technik GmbH (Melle, Schuby)
- Service and O&M for wind turbines in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
BioConstruct GmbH (Melle)
- Turnkey construction and operation of biogas plants, wind farms and photovoltaic stations.
Zephiros EPE (Athen, Greece)
- Project development and operation of RE power stations in Greece.
Wootis S.A. (Athen, Greece)
- Remonte monitoring for windenergy and photovoltaic stations.
Wind Works Power Inc. (Toronto, Kanada)
- Project development in North-America and Germany.